How to take a good photo
Ensure that all photos are taken with the same background, preferably white, black, or a solid color.
How to set up your camera properly
Check Google or the website of your phone or camera manufacturer to find out how many pixels your camera has. It is recommended to have 12 MP (12 million pixels) or more.
- Go to settings > Camera > File Structures.
- Select Most Compatible for Camera Capture.
- If available on your phone, choose Apple ProRaw for Photo Capture.
- Now open the camera app and choose Portrait.
- Open the Camera app and choose Portrait.
- Go to Camera > Settings (settings can be found in the top left corner under the gear icon).
- Make sure Resize File is turned off.
Other options
Option 1
Take a portrait photo with a DSLR camera.
Option 2
If you're unable to take a good photo, ask someone to help you or have the photos taken by a photographer.